The Four Agreements by Miguel Ruiz

Looking for a short read to stimulate your mind and free yourself from self limiting thoughts. The Four Agreements by Miguel Ruiz is a game changer if you are ready to transform. It does take some dissecting and sitting with your thoughts to really apply to your life. The four agreements are 1, be impeccable with your word, 2 don’t take anything personally, 3 Don’t make assumptions, 4 always do your best. To me, its easy to look at the agreements and say, yeah okay I do that, but after diving deeper, there is much more to each agreement.

Here are my big takeaways:

We as humans are made of the light from the stars. The harmony of space and light is life. Life is the manifestation and we are living our dream we have created for ourselves everyday. Therefore, you are in charge; It is time to free yourself from the need of being accepted and accept yourself. There is no time to worry or care about rejection because 1, you are being impeccable with your word, speaking truth, positivity and honesty and 2, You know you did your best. Imagination is key to pushing fear away. You can imagine things, because they are possible, so imagine your life in the best way everyday. It is time to Wake up. Some people truly perceive love everywhere they go, they see it radiating from the clouds, from the trees, from others. They are choosing to imagine their reality as so and thus it is so. You are no different than these people and you can do the same by believing in your power. Love is the root, love is a choice.

Will you plant your seed and watch your life blossom? Clear the fog and reveal all the love around you. But don’t take anything personal, if people think you’re awesome or you suck, don’t take it personal. It has nothing to do with you, instead is a reflection of themselves. We are in charge of our emotions and perceptions. Be careful what you say to yourself when you think no-one is listening because you are listening. This goes with being impeccable with your word. Stop cussing at the stranger in the car, control your reactions, as you getting angry is a reflection of you, not the stranger in the car.

Lastly, live now, in the present moment because when we live in the past, we are missing the moment and opportunity right in front of us. We have been conditioned since birth and it takes connecting our mind and body to understand and truly listen to what we need right now, in this moment. Don’t deny yourself the right to be you. Step out of hiding and put the self limiting beliefs aside, detach them from your current reality.


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